Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscope: Oct. 10, 2017-Nov. 8, 2018
Jupiter is now in your Solar or Radical 5th house! Place of creativity, children, babies and fun. Benefits come from focusing on children, being playful, having fun and being creative. Fertility is indicated. Careful of pregnancy if you and your mate are not ready. Regardless, the urge to make babies might be there even if you know you are not ready. If you have children but have been on less than great terms with them, this year can be a year of reconciliation. “Viewing parenthood as a process of spiritual metamorphosis allows us to create the psychic space to invite the lessons of this journey in...Our children raise us and force us to expand our sense of Self.”
Predictions Romantic opportunities through cultural, religious, spiritual, and educational activities. Spiritual awakening in your children. Your children starting or completing higher education. Generosity towards or from your children. Travel for pleasure. Increase in resources of your family. Finding a home for your money (investment). Wisdom gained from interaction with babies and children. Many creative projects. Benefits from the friends or tribe of your spouse or partner. Friends getting married or entering intimate relationships. Friends marrying benevolent, optimistic, larger than life person. Your spouses friends acting benevolently or generously.