The first time i had a professional astrology reading done, my astrologer had a list of major transits for the next two years printed out for me. If you are astrologically proficient enough that you can read the sign, planet and aspect symbols, but you do not have access to software that can generate these reports and you do not need to have the transits interpreted for you, I would like to offer this service: A printed and mailed OR e-mailed transit report with just the list of transits. Here is an example of the transit reports in the photos below. The first image is page one of a year out transit report starting jan. 1, 2015 for me with the outer planet transits and progressed-to-natal transits only. The second image is page one of a year long transit report for me starting jan. 1, 2016 with outer planets-to-natal aspects, transit-to-transit aspects and progressions-to-natal aspects.