Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscopes: Oct. 10, 2017-Nov. 8, 2018
Jupiter just moved into your Solar or Radical 12th house!
It might be time to retreat and recharge your soul batteries. You might want to be alone or behind the scenes more than usual and less in the spotlight...any spotlight. Our ability to think and act creatively is “dependent on our capacity to become completely free from other people. Free from social obligations, duties, fears and hopes that hinder our authentic self from blossoming.”
It's time to finish those projects you have been working on. Use this year to tie up loose ends, let go of what is no longer bringing you joy and get organized and ready to take on the world when Jupiter enters your 1st house of personal shining and being seen from November 2018-December 2019. This getting organized and ready to take on the world might look like literally throwing physical objects out, or giving them away and it may look like throwing away outdated beliefs that are no longer serving you. “Voluntarily removing yourself from your habitual environment promotes self-understanding.”
Watch for: Benefits through introspection and meditation. Expansion of personal hygiene and health rituals. Interest in academic and philosophical exploration of remedies and drugs. Possible escapist tendencies. Possible addiction tendencies or self-destructive behavior. Possible institutionalization