Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscopes: Oct. 10, 2017-Nov. 8, 2018
Jupiter is now in your Solar or Radical 3rd house!
This could mean increased positive contact with siblings, cousins, or neighbors or generosity from or towards siblings or cousins. Could indicate “more” siblings for your children, and thus could indicate pregnancy of yourself or your mate, or your children's parent that you are no longer with, might have a child, thus bringing your kids new siblings without you having more of your own children. The 3rd house also symbolizes our mind and our intellect. Jupiter's presence there expands our mind and our intellect. “Feed your head.”
Predictions Benefits through interaction with siblings, cousins, neighbors or community members. Acting benevolently within or towards one's community. Increased correspondence and communication. Favorable for study, teaching, lecturing, writing, travel, and publishing. Increased short and long distance traveling. Benefits through the friends of your children or children of your friends. Your children make many new friends or your friends make more children! Your spouse or partner returning to school or studies of some kind. Usually of a religious, spiritual or philosophical nature. Your spouse or partner traveling. Going to school for the 1st time for a young child. Expansion of Intellect.